1. | objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services, help, or advice; meddlesome: an officious person. |
2. | marked by or proceeding from such forwardness: officious interference. |
3. | Obsolete. ready to serve; obliging. |
—Related forms
of·fi·cious·ly, adverb
of·fi·cious·ness, noun
—Synonyms 1. interfering, meddling.
ex. Nora's demeanor borders on the officious when it comes to blogging.
ex. Nora's demeanor borders on the officious when it comes to blogging.
I'm glad the example sentence is ficticious!
Love the picture!
My officious neighbor readily offers unsolicited advice on such subjects as dieting, parenting and financial matters, to name a few.
Funny Amy, isn't your mother-in-law your neighbor? Is this another ficticious sentence?
I DO have other neighbors. I wasn't talking about my MIL. And no, not a fictitious sentence.
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